
Hello from the Future!

I am sitting at a computer (dial up - yay!). It is Wednesday, 5/21. 19 hundered hours (military time - hee hee). What time is it for you?


Kelly said...

Hey! Wow.. and OMG! How fun! I just wanted to tell you if you meet Josh Holloway ( Sawyer from LOST ) I will DIE! or if you meet ANY of the cast I will be super jealous! Get a pic for me. If you meet Josh have him sign something that says "Freckles- I love you" Something corny and I know you dont get this because you guys dont watch it. But that is exactly WHY you will meet him, because you could not care less! Anyway.. Have fun! I cant wait to see all the pics and you tube videos!
Hang Loose!

monica said...

Lovin' the updates!

Amber said...

LOL to Kelly!

Actually, we took a bus around the entire island. I should've researched where LOST is filmed before we left. I'm sure I couldn't just walk around, but I probably could've seen the beach or something.

We did see where the opening scene to Jurassic Park was filmed (from a moving bus).