

Remember that PIE (Partners in Excellence) thing I was talking about a while back. I haven't found out if I've won yet (I'm not holding my breath, only 10% actually win), but JONATHAN WON! He found out this morning.

Did I also mention that he also got a promotion and raise 2 weeks ago? He's on fire!

Now, if he could just find a wife and buy a house, he'd be living the good life. ;0)


Happy Anniversary ...

... to me?!? Jonathan thinks today is our 3 year dating anniversary. I thought it was early April, but now that I think about it ... he's probably right.

We are celebrating by going to Chick-fil-a! I have some coupons.

"Party on dude!"


Top 5 movies I want to see ...

The top 5 movies I'm looking forward to this summer: (pretty much in order)
1. Pirates of the Carribean 2
2. Posiden -- the original rocks! I hope this remake has some cool efffects
3. Cars
4. Snakes on a Plane -- I think the title says it all
5. Mission Impossible 3 -- Even though Tom Cruise is a wack job, I've heard that this movie has nonstop action

Honorable Mention:
6. Slither -- Just because "Pam" from The Office is in it.
7. Scary Movie 4 -- They haven't failed me yet!


Orlando Predators

Last Friday night Jonathan and I went to the Orlando Predators game (as usual), and I saw this guy!

What?!? You don't know who that is?!?

It's Jay Gruden. He's the brother of John Gruden (Tampa Bay Bucs coach), and the head coach of the Orlando Predators.

He's a star in the world of Arena Football! He's in the hall of fame; one of the most famous QB's of the game.

I just looked for "Jay Gruden" on google.com, and all I could find is how he got a DUI last year. Doh! Well, trust me when I say that he's semi-cool!

More pictures from the Predators:

After every game anybody is allowed on the field. Players and cheerleaders sign autographs, and little kids jump all over the walls playing catch. Here is Jonathan with his new baby (his autographed football). He has all but 4 players!

This is Klaw, the mascot. He's an actual Predator, as in the Arnold Schwarteneger (sp?) movie.



All my other internet friends are doing it, so here goes!
Favorite color? Navy blue
Band? Foo Fighters
Taco Bell menu item? Soft taco
Candy bar? I don't eat candy bars. Does Reeces PB cups count?
Concert? I've only been to one - Foo Fighters and Barenaked Ladies were there. A friend reminded me that I've been to 2 concerts - I saw Madonna last year. Duh!
Movie quote? "Let's cut the chit chat a-hole" -Nicholas Cage (from The Rock)
Monopoly game piece? Thimble
Nickname? (thanks a lot Survivor) Amb-ah
Pizza toppings? Sausage and Pepperoni
Cell phone service provider? Sprint
Restaurant? Earl of Sandwich (or a 'real' restaurant would be Olive Garden).
Breakfast cereal? Frosted Mini Wheats
Website? All my friend's blogs
Roadtrip? I don't like driving in cars


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Did you know Target was closed today? Why didn't anybody warn me?!? I wanted some sale jelly beans. I guess they'll have to wait until after work on Monday.


I'm going on vacation!!!

It's not a super exciting vacation, but it's something! In early June I'm going to Steelville, MO (that's pronouced "Missour-A" according to Jonathan), to visit with Jonathan's parents and his brother. His brother get's a 2 week vacation from Iraq during that time.

It should be a lot of fun, although I heard the nearest mall is 45 minutes away.


Good times at Wal-mart

I blame the following on my mom - she "made" me go to Walmart and buy her a bunch of stuff (never mind the fact that I was completely out of food).

I had spent an hour at Walmart this morning shopping. I set everything on the check out counter, opened up my purse, and ... nothing. I had left my wallet at home!!! I had absolutely no cash, credit cards, ATM card, checks, etc. I was so mad at myself.

The cashier said that I could load up my cart and she would keep it off to the side. I drove home, got my wallet, and drove back. Thankfully Walmart is only 8 miles away.

Good times!



I think I need to retitle this blog from "Cavender Family Blog" to "Amber is the coolest" blog. I guess I thought my family was computer savy enough to figure out a blog. I mean, if my mom can do it, anybody can! (right Jayne?) She's managed to post so far, I'm still waiting for pictures of sharks.

Jonathan is going to a Lightning game (hockey) tomorrow, so I have the day to myself. Let the scrapbooking and movie watching begin!!!


Orlando Improv

Sunday night Jonathan and I went to the Orlando Improv to see John Heffron ( http://www.johnheffron.com/front_page.html ). John was the winner of NBC's Last Comic Standing reality show (from last year). I loved that TV show, and I thought he was the best one. I was really excited to see him. After the show he was in the lobby signing autogrphs and taking pictures! Isn't he dreamy? (too bad we both have red eye) Too bad he's married. His show was hilarious, my cheeks were hurting from laughing so hard.

The best part of the evening was when Jonathan got picked to go on stage. The opening act was a guy named Alonzo or Antwan (sp?). He was kind-of hard to understand. His job was to get the crowd all riled up. All he did was go across to all the front row tables and ask how long every couple had been together, and then make fun of them. Luckily for us, we were the last front row table he got to. We were the only unmarried table there. He made fun of us for a while, then told Jonathan that he knew the secret to a woman's heart, which was "lick the back of her neck". We all had a good laugh until he called Jonathan up on stage. He turned on some rap music, and he and Jonathan rapped out the new fake hit single "lick the back of her neck". Since Jonathan's rythm isn't so hot, then he turned on some country music and they started a toe tapin'! It was too funny. After the show people were coming up to Jonathan and congradulating him on his great show.


Amazing Race

I've been getting into the Amazing Race (on CBS) lately. Too bad it's on at 10pm. Although, I saw a commercial that it's moving to a new night and new time - Wednesday at 8pm! I won't have to stay up so late anymore.

My favorite team by far is "the hippies" BJ & Taylor. Those other 2 boys are cool too, and that black couple. I enjoy making fun of that nerdy couple. She's kind-of cute in her nerd glasses, but he's a sweaty pig!

And I find it so funny how every "scenes from the next Amazing Race" start with the words, "Fran and Barry have trouble with ..." Those 2 are too funny.