. . . that I'm still eating bags of black jelly beans I bought at Target's "after Easter sale". Yes, I realize Easter was over 2 months ago, but I love them so much. Sadly my bag is almost gone. Another 10 months I'll have to wait!
Awww, poor Amber! :0< I too have to admit eating things that have way passed the expiration date... Wait!, I guess that's not what you wrote. Doh! Now I'm really embarrased! x0D hehe...
This blog serves no purpose, except to give me a fun outlet to chat about random stuff and post random photos. As you can see from the labels, most of my ramblings are about Walt Disney World, embarrasing myself, TV and movies. Enjoy!
Awww, poor Amber! :0<
I too have to admit eating things that have way passed the expiration date... Wait!, I guess that's not what you wrote. Doh! Now I'm really embarrased! x0D hehe...
Orange & Purple are my faves- I just threw out the Christmas Candy canes from the back of a drawer a few weeks ago, you're not alone!
wow....I'm embarrased for you. ;)
I'm at the no black jelly beans table.
I like buttered popcorn jelly bellies.
Okay, number one...your last sentence totally sounded like Yoda.
Number two, ewwww, gross. The fact that you enjoy black jelly beans is the embarassing thing! ;)
Add me to that no black jellybean table as well.
I'm thinking you maybe alone at this table Amber. :)
Mail all your black jellybeans to:
Amber Cavender
Celebration, F 34747. :0)
My gramma used to love black jelly beans / licorice. blech.
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