Hip hip horray for Key West!
I had booked a tour thru an outside tour company (not Disney) and I'm really glad I did. I think the comany was called Old Town Trolley. It was about $25 per person. It was a great deal b/c you could hop on and off the trolley all day long.
It turns out Key West is only about 2 miles wide, so we could've easily walked everywhere we wanted to go, but the trolley was 100X easier. Also the tour guides were really talkative and funny.

The cruise docked right near Mallory Square. It was full of tourist trap gift shops and other fun things - including a giant monster made of sea sponges (which I forgot to take a photo of).

I was most excited to see the tourist trap-y Southernmost Point. There was a big group of people getting their photo taken, which was a bummer. We snapped some photos and took off - not a lot of time to spend there.
It took us about 45 minutes on the trolley to get to the Southernmost Point - but it turns out we were really close to Mallory Square. So we walked around and looked at random stuff.

There were roosters everywhere! And they were loud.

We didn't go inside the Hemmingway House (although seeing a 6-toed cat would've been pretty sweet).

And we found the infamous "Mile 0". I tried and tried to buy a souvenier, but I just couldn't find anything worth buying! I wanted a sweatshirt (b/c the cruise ship is cold!), but they were all just too tacky and cheesy.
Happy Anniversary!!! =:0D
Sorry for the delay.
Thanks for sending me an album.
I love it! :0)
I loved Key West and would to go back, and yes is two miles but don;t walk it in the heat an humidity...it was hell. Hemingway's house was neat I enjoyed it.
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