
Top 5: Summer movies I plan on seeing

2007 - The summer of sequels! And I pathetically plan to see them all!

In no particular order:
1. Spiderman 3
2. Pirates 3
3. Harry Potter 5
4. Knocked Up 4. Ahhhh - how could I forget about the Simpson's Movie!?! Sorry Knocked up, but I guess you are going in the Honorable Mention list.
5. Ratatouie (sp?)

Honorable Mention (which means, I'll be renting these movies)
6. Shrek 3
7. Rush Hour 3 (I loved the first 2!!!)
8. Hostel 2 (If I am brave enough!)
9. Transformers -- I have never EVER had an interest in Transformers the toy or the cartoon, but I've seen some photos stills of the movie, and it looks so strange and fastinating!
10. That wedding movie with Mandy Moore and John Krasninski (the cute guy from the TV show The Office).
11. Knocked Up
12. I Now Pronounce you Larry & Chuck - Kevin James and Adam Sandler -- this HAS to be good!

I also missed Die Hard 4 (or what ever it's called). Arg! I better sign up for some overtime!

I'm sure I'm missing something major - help me out!

More more movie fun, check out my other blog:  Movie Yak

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw spiderman yesterday, I liked it. It was funny that so many of the previews were for "3" movies