I really wish I brought a notepad and paper with me during the marathon. I tried to remember stuff, but I'm sure I forgot it all. Mostly, I remember my hamstring ripping away from what ever hamstrings are attached with.
If you've never done a marathon before - I highly recommend it. While you're in the process, it seems like torture, but when you're all done it's a great feeling! As my friend Hiromi said, "Very spiritual ... yet at the same time and awful experience." Yesterday I swore I would never do it again, but today I'm all pumped to have at it again!
Pre-race: People are wearing shorts and the temperature is in the 20s!!! I'm prepared wearing 6 shirts, a scarf, hat, gloves, sweatpants and shorts. Also, pre-race is the last time I saw any toilet paper (remember that for later ...)
Mile 1:
There goes sweatshirt #1
Mile 2: Adios sweatshirt #2 and my scarf. "This isn't so bad!"
"Is that guy wearing a really fancy, Norwegian style sweater?"
Mile 3: "My hands are kind-of hot, I guess I don't need my gloves any more"
The water stop water was partially frozen!
Mile 4: "I want my scarf back!!!"
My 3rd shirt is thrown to the side of the road.
Mile 5: My face is partially frozen.
I'm desperately looking for gloves that somebody threw on the side of the road.
Some guy wearing JEANS passes me. Jeans?!?
Mile 6: The sun finally rises!
"Why does my back hurt of all things?"
Mile 7: A high school band is playing the theme song from Rocky. It rocks and totally pumps me up!
Mile 8: "Is somebody stabbing me in my quads? I really think somebody is ... I'm never doing this again!"
Mile 9: I finally found a glove on the side of the road. It was a super nice warm winter glove. I could only find one, but it was awesome!!
Mile 10: I made it inside the Magic Kingdom. Sweet!
Mile 11: Tiana, Naveen and Louis (Princess and the Frog) are out posing for photos. It's impossible to meet Louis inside the park. I wish I had brought my camera.
Two of the Country Bears run along with us from Diamond Horseshoe down to the Jamboree.
Mile 12: It's 9am - I should be at work, but instead I walked 12 miles.
I make the hard decision to throw my hat away.
Mile 13: I think my hamstrings are going to detach.
I stop my 'walk 5 minutes, run 1 minute' routine and start a similar 'walk 5 minutes, run 30 seconds'
Mile 14: I eat 1/3 of a banana. I don't even like bananas, but they are giving them out.
"What's that loud stomping noise?!? Oh, it's my feet slamming against the ground."
Mile 15: The piano guy that plays near Casey's Corner is randomly on the side of the road.
Mile 16: I've had to pee for about an hour, but the lines for the port-a-potties are so long. I finally give in and wait 4 minutes. No toilet paper anywhere!
16.5: I wipe my nose. I realize I just went to the bathroom, didn't use toilet paper, and didn't wash my hands (nothing to wash with). Gross.
My walk/run routine is getting really hard.
Mile 17: "There are tons of hills inside Animal Kingdom - this is awesome!"
They are giving out cold sponges. Why in the world do I want a cold sponge in 30 degree weather?!?
Should I shed my 4th shirt? I don't, and it was a great decision.
"Only single digit miles left!!!"
Mile 18: "Crap, I thought this was mile 19, but it's only mile 18."
Mile 19: They are giving out more bananas. I eat the entire thing this time.
We walk up a massive hill outside Animal Kingdom. I walk backwards for about 1 minute to shake things up.
Mile 20: "I could come in last place ... as long as I finish, I'm cool with that."
It's amusing to say to yourself, "awesome, only 6 more miles to go!" When is it normal to say ONLY 6 more miles?
I can't believe I kept up the walk/run routine. It's a miracle. I decide to power walk the rest of the way.
Mile 21: I see a chubby guy dressed as Mr. Incredible.
"If and when my hamstrings detach from what ever they are attached to, I could still limp 5 miles and finish."
Mile 22: I decide to go to the bathroom again. Again, no TP.
Mile 23: I get a 2nd wind from out of nowhere. It doesn't last too long.
They give out a box of raisins. It could've been a box of broccoli and I would've devoured it.
"I've got this thing in the bag - no problem!"
Mile 24: Walking along that water's edge between Studios and the Boardwalk was super cold!
Mile 25: I get my 3rd wind. I pick up the pace and breeze thru Epcot.
A crazy Japanese lady dressed up as Donald Duck is right next to me. I bust my butt to pass her, so my 'crossing the finish line' photo isn't with her in it.
Mile 26: I've passed Donald Duck lady.
"Where the heck is the finish line?!?"
.2 miles & a sprint later: "Woo-hoo!"
If you're still reading this, congratulations. This might be my longest blog ever.