

I scheduled our trip to Illinois to coincide with a noon Bears game.  Julie and her family occasionally have rockin' Bears parties that I've heard so much about.

Dennis, Julie's dad, grilled a fantastic roast.  He started at 9am!  Notice Jonathan is wearing jeans and a winter coat, and Dennis is wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  Those crazy Illinois-ians!

I've played bags (or cornhole) before, and I wasn't very good.  I played on a plastic board before.  Mitch (Julie's husband) had a really nice bags set, made of wood.

I realized that I can dominate a bags game!  Julie's brother and I won 3 games in a row.  I even got 3 out of 4 bags in the hole one round.  I was pretty proud of that (until Mitch got 4 of 4 in and shut me up big time).

Notice the 3 orange bags 1/2 way in the hole.  These are beanbags thown from about 30 feet away.  I would say it's impossible to get 3 stuck in the hole like this ... but Julie's brother manage to do it!

1 comment:

John in Orlando said...

Bags! Quite possibly the best game ever. Now you got me wanting to buy/build a set again.