
The 20 Days of Christmas - question 2

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa always wraps his presents. That makes is way more fun to unwrap things - oh the suspence!


Anonymous said...

Santa does both -- wrapping and placing of the gifts! So who does the manufacturing & boxing of the gifts??

Amber said...

Duh - Will Ferrel and the elves! ;0)

Anonymous said...

Santa does both!

It depends really what Santa has brought. Plus we have kids who like to sneak downstairs, so Santa knows to wrap them so kids don't see what's in them til mom and dad get up too :)

monica said...

I like that overwhelming thing when you walk in and the LOOT is all just OUT THERE, no unwrapping....you just sit and stare at it. Take a minute to soak it all in, start really looking...then discover some things you didn't really catch at first glance...ahhhh.... I love it and we've decided that (within a limit!) Santa will continue to visit us this year. We can't give it up, what were we thinking???

Traci said...

Wrap those presents Santa!!!

Anonymous said...

amber --
Duh, of course!!! You are absolutely right!!!!! =:0D

Anonymous said...

Santa wraps everything...including the presents in the stocking....