
Walmart vs. Jurassic Park

It's Christmas Eve night, and the big debate in my head is "go to Walmart or watch Jurassic Park 2 on DVD". Jurassic Park 2 won. Saving money normally wins in my head.

I went to Walmart yesterday, and they had some really cute (hard plastic) plates. Even though I just bought 6 Mickey/Hawaiian plates from Disneyland last month, I want these new plates! I need some hobbies. I plan to hit Target and Walmart the day after Christmas for some sales anyway. I guess I'll save gas (even though it's down to $2.12/gallon here in Florida).

Thank goodness Jonathan bought me a 3 disc DVD set of all the Jurassic Park movies for my birthday!!! They are keeping me company for the 6 days he's in St. Louis with his parents for the holidays.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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