
Time Warp!

Has anybody flown over the International Date line? One minute you're in "today" and the next minute you're in "tomorrow".

Anyway, on Wednesday night I went in to work at 9:30pm. I didn't leave until 5:30pm the next afternoon (you do the math).

I went home, immediately went to sleep, and woke up for work on Friday.

So all day I was thinking, "what day is today? It is really Friday?!?"

I went into work on Wednesday, and the next day I went into work was Friday. I just kind-of skipped over Thursday! Very international-date line like. It was an odd feeling ...

1 comment:

-H- said...

Don't you also feel kind of magical when you are traveling into a different time zone? It's like, the airplane I'm on board is the time machine! :)