
An open letter to Target customers

Dear Posner Park Target customers on 4/7/10:

I apologize for my smelliness. You see, I rolled out of bed at 8:30am, put on 100% clean clothes, but didn't shower. My plan was to go to Lowes, buy some clearance plants, and come home and planet them. Hence getting really dirty in the process.

You know those photos of people baking, and there is flower all over the kitchen and all over their body? Well, that's me when I'm gardening. I'm covered in dirt head to toe somehow.

Anyway, after a disappointing Lowes trip (no plants on clearance!!!) I thought, I think I'll run to Target.

Low and behold, they had tank tops for $2. Oh man ... did I feel guilty trying them on and not buying them. I just have to stink, and I'm trying on clothes.

So person trying on the $2 tanks after me ... I'm sorry!


P.S. Hey Target! Why is your Easter candy only 30% off. Easter was 3 days ago. You're lame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is totally "Amber"