
D23: The Boys

The final thing we did on Day 1 was see a screening of the documentary The Boys. The movie was about the Sherman Brothers (also Disney Legends). 
I’m always shocked to find out that most people don’t know who the Sherman Brothers are. They’ve been writing songs for Disney for over 50 years. They have since retired, but Richard Sherman was at the movie screening. After the movie, he played the piano and sang about 9 songs for us! He’s 81 years old, and he knew all his songs by heart. 
He was amazing. It’s not every day that the song writer who sat in Walt’s office and played “Feed the Birds” for him plays a mini concert for you.

If you’re unfamiliar with the name “Sherman Brothers”, you will know their songs. They wrote the songs and lyrics for Mary Poppins, Jungle Book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (not a Disney movie), It’s a Small World, Winnie the Pooh and Parent Trap. They also wrote a bunch of songs for Annette Funicello when she was a teen star.

The movie was really interesting. These brothers wrote songs together for many, many years. But the movie chronicled their personal lives, where they were not friends at all. Just recently Richard Sherman’s son met Robert Sherman’s son for the first time in 40 years!!! They got to talking, and decided to make this movie together.

Currently, Richard Sherman (the one who sang for us) lives in Beverly Hills and Robert Sherman lives in London. They still do not contact each other. They didn’t have a big fight or anything. They were just never really friendly at all. All those years they worked so well together all day, then went home to their families and their families never had any contact at all. It seemed kind-of bizarre, and it made for an interesting story and a great movie.

So day 1 of D23 came to an end. There is no way we will top this day! I mean, we saw Richard Sherman play piano and sing … that’s simply amazing. There is no way we can top this day … or can we?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That I didn't know, that seems so odd to work so closely together and never really know each other. The fact their kids didn't even know each other is just plain weird.