
Sweet website

There is music on your computer! Who knew?!? Ok, everybody but me probably knew that.

My cube-neighbor (at work) introduced me to http://www.pandora.com/ – it’s a free radio for your computer, but you create the station!

I currently have 3 radio stations I flip back and forth between.

You type in a song or a band that you like, and they create a station with those songs, and songs that are similar. You can add multiple songs/artists as well.

When a song starts playing, you rate it *thumbs up* or *thumbs down*. This way, Pandora gets to know you, and only plays stuff that is similar to your *thumbs up* ranking.

I love it! My 3 stations are called Stairway to Heaven (70’s rock), 2 Unlimited (early 90’s dance music) and Foo Fighters (alternative).


Anonymous said...

this is one of hollyann's favorites!

monica said...

Yep- Holly got me hooked on that one ages ago. I have about 8 stations now that I love!!

Anonymous said...

I think I may have to give this a go!

Emmy X