
Jury Duty

This morning I proudly served my country by reading magazines in the jury holding room from 8am-1pm! I was kind-of bummed that I didn't get chosen for an actual jury. I didn't wake up at 6:45am (I normally wake up at 8:15am) for nothing! None the less, getting out early (and not having to go to work) gave me tons of time to go home and clean my apartment.


Traci said...

You should be a proud American Amber. Good for you!! :)

Although I have to say, I've never been in your position. Somehow all my "summons" of jury duty seem to disappear??? ;)

Anonymous said...

I was just telling Amber how I was called 3 times in 2 years (yep). I didn't know that you only had to serve once a year and could decline. That's ok, I was only asked to go in to jury questioning once. The rest of the time I got to read several books, play computer games & talk to my friends & family on the phone! Absolute coolness! Makes me want to serve jury duty again. Ha!
No, really, I wanted to do my civic service but they just didn't use me. Shrug their loss. I would've made a great juror.. I really would've!! =P